Sample Characteristics

Multiple respondents

These samples contain the time diaries of multiple respondents from the same household.

Multiple days

Respondents completed more than one diary in some samples (see WAVE).

With whom

These questions provide information about the co-presence of other household members and known persons during the activity (see Who Variables). Usually co-presence of spouse, children, other adult, and coworkers is available. However, not all the categories are available in all the samples. Users may also want to consult documentation about the relationship between who variables. Users should take into account that the With who variables created in AHTUS also use information about the main activity carried out. So for some episodes the presence of persons or animals are assumed based on the reported activity.

Secondary activities

Secondary activity reports if another activity is done during the episode. The information is limited for some samples (see SEC). The way secondary activities are reported also differs across samples. For surveys conducted prior to 2003, respondents could specify a secondary activity in addition to the main activity. In the ATUS, limited information is collected on secondary activities. Only eating or drinking, childcare, and eldercare are provided as a secondary activity in some ATUS samples.